Iasi Collection Center – information and education activities with students

The local operator in Iasi, a partner of the RoRec Association, together with the local authorities, invited students to the Iasi Collection Center for information and education activities on the importance of collecting and recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

On April 28, the students of the 2nd and 3rd year of the Faculty of Horticulture, the Department of Environmental Engineering, at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, were presented with information about the electrical and electronic equipment waste , why this type of waste must be separately collected, how this process is being carried out, and how important is to recycle e-waste. Students have conducted a small study regarding population openness to receiving information about correct disposal of WEEE. The result was that 20% of citizens agreed to talk with them and received the flyer with additional information.

On May 12, the students from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Department of Engineering and Environmental Management, from the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, attended a study visit at the Iasi Collection Center. They had the opportunity to learn new information about e-waste is collected, stored and treated. This visit was also attended by the partners from the Iaşi Environmental Protection Agency, represented by Ms. Galea Temneanu – Head of CFM Service, respectively from SC Salubris SA, represented by Ms. Ana Maria Şchiopu – Head of Environmental Management Office.

All students have been involved in informing citizens about the collection of e-waste, sharing flyers and asking them to properly discard old or damaged appliances.
